Why is my chatbot not showing up on my website?

Why is my chatbot not showing up on my website?

So you have followed the steps and added the chatbot widget to your website. However, the bot is still not showing up and wondering what could have gone wrong.

Below is a checklist of settings you should check to make sure everything is configured properly.

1) See if you have added the code snippet properly

Very often, you may have misplaced or added the code snippet in the wrong webpage. Double check that the webpage where you are looking to publish the chatbot to, has the snippet code. You can verify this by checking the source code of the page.

2) Check if the bot is disabled

Go to Settings > General and make sure that the bot is enabled.

3) Check if you have set widget to a custom button

Go to Settings > Behaviour > Widget Button and see if the widget button is set to Default Launcher. If it is set to Custom Button Only, then you will have to invoke the chatbot using collectchat.open().

4) Check the targeting settings

Go to Settings > Targeting and see the targeting rules you have set. Carefully go through each rule that has been set by you. If any of them is satisfied by your testing environment, then the bot will not visible on your website.

5) Check plugin settings, if you are using WordPress

If you have used the WordPress plugin, to add the bot to your site, then see if you have restricted where the bot should appear inside the Plugin. There is a section "Who should see the bot?" in the plugin. Verify the settings from there.

6) Check in Incognito

As a last step, please visit your website in the Incognito mode of your browser. Sometimes cache or cookies may be the villain in your testing environment.

If you have checked all the above and still unable to figure out what's wrong, then reach out to us. We will help you out.

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